Whitelabel Pay Error
The main error class detailing error cases when using the public facing APIs.
This error case can occur in WhitelabelPay.sync function call.
Thrown when trying to deactivate the payment means. Make sure to check the associated value error for more details.
Thrown if an error occurs when trying to fetch the payments overview with WhitelabelPay.getPayments
Thrown when trying to reactive the payment means. Make sure to check the associated value error for more details.
Thrown if an error occurs when trying to sign off with WhitelabelPay.signOff
This error case can occur in WhitelabelPay.getPaymentMeansList function call.
This error case can occur in WhitelabelPayImplementation initialisation process.
This error case can occur in WhitelabelPayImplementation initialisation process.
Thrown when an empty or null notification body is passed to WhitelabelPay.handleNotification.
This error case can occur in WhitelabelPayImplementation initialisation process.
This error case can occur in WhitelabelPayImplementation initialisation process.
This error case can occur in WhitelabelPay.getPaymentToken function call.
Thrown when trying to delete a payment means. Make sure to check the associated value error for more details.
Thrown when failing to sign the requests
This error case can occur in WhitelabelPay.getPaymentToken function call.
Thrown when the wrong notification type string is passed to WhitelabelPay.handleNotification.